New fashion style for men is as essential as knowing dance moves in a dance party. Take it easy, we are not going to tell you the whole episode on how to rock n roll your body, we will just tell the cool moves that will make you outshine from the loners, if not the star performer at the party! Consider these two step moves as the staple diet that you can do anytime literary on any music!

#Move 1 - Simply step your right leg to the right and have your other leg step to meet it. Then step to the other side, and have your other leg comes to meet it. Pretty basic. You can switch this up with the two-step triangle, where instead of having your foot meet your other foot, it will step back to form a triangle.

#Move 2 – Add bounce to the move 1, keeping your shoulders relaxed, groove with the beat, and let your arms sway. Don't overthink it. Just practice it in front of mirror few times as the aim is to simply groove with the music.

#Move 3 Once you are confident with the move 1 and 2, start adding style and flair by changing height, intensity, and swaying from side to side.

#Move 4 Start moving your up and one arm down and rhythmically switch them back and forth by keeping space between arms and body.  - that's key. Add a shoulder roll by simply rolling your shoulders with the beats. Keep your hands and fingers relaxed, not clenched.

# Move 5 – Being an alpha male, you ought to display confident body language, expansive chest and broad shoulders and taking up sufficiently large space on the dance floor.

Note that even if everything falls down, just smile as most straight guys on the dance floor are biting their lip, looking down, and seem nervous, scared, or embarrassed! New trend in fashion for men is also to just comfortably enjoy the music, this last move will certainly make you more attractive to women. While human male body movements could also form honest signals towards traits such as health, fitness, genetic quality and developmental history, you can just again go back to your irons pumping the sweat out of your body!

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